A.    Background of the problem
In the current era,english becomes the most important tool to communicate.  The  reason is english is usedby more than half population in the world. It makes English as the international language. Everyonein the world useit to communicate to gain and share information.Learning English is not easy. There are four skills and three components of the english language . Reading, Writting, Speaking and Liatening are skills while pronountiation, vocabulary, and grammar are components.
Reading is an activity which is aimed at making sense of the printed word. The purpose of teaching reading is to have the students comprehend the text. The best of reading is comprehention. the overall goal is not to remember most ofthe specific details, but to have good grasp of the main idea and supporting ideas and to relate those main ideas to background knowlede asappropriate . in the conclution, the aim of reading is to understand the throught and idea of written material which is know as reading comprehention.
There are some difficulties faced by students when they try to comprehend a text . one of them is to find a way to get the main ideas of the text and to make relation of their background knowledge with the text. In fact its not easy fo student understand what they are read without any help to understand and comprehend it.Nowadays, there ae many approaches found by experts have found to improve students comprehention in reading text. There are two familiar approaches are usually used by english teacher in reading class they bottom up and top down approach .  process accounts of reading take the reader rather than the text as point of departure . indeed these approaches may help students to understand the text as when  they use bottom-up is used to focus on word and sentence level and top-down is used to focuse on studentsbackground knowledge.
Furhermore, top-down is an approach that helps the readers to understand the text by using intelligence orexperience. Top-down conceptually drives processing in which the reader draws on on their intelligence or experience to understnd a text. The teacher activities students background knowledge . on the other hand, one way to use top-down approach is by using question . giving question to students can increase their comprehentsion and make them easy to find ideas in the text. In the reading process, students ralk about support goal-focused instruction, describe and monitor comprehension, expressown idea and learns from the idea and experiences of others. It is often generated by question . Trought giving question, teacher can check how well students comprehend the text they read. They can clarify meaning and promote deeper understanding of the text by answering the question after they have read the text .
On the other hand, based on observation and the interview with the teacher and some students, the researcher found that. Teacger was difficult to make students interested in reading and it impacted students understanding although inthis case the teacher has used questioning strategy to help them comprehending the text. Some student difficult to find main idea, topics, or purpose of the text because they wew lack of vocabulary, finally,they were not interested in reading comprehension. Based on the problem above, this research is directed to analyze the questioning strategy used by english teacher.
B.     Identification of the problem
Based on the background of the problem above, there were problems found by there reseacher :
1.     Reacher was difficult to malke students interested in reading, and it impacted students understanding although the teacher has used questioning strategy, though the question, students can understand what they read.
2.     Some students were difficult to comprehend the text because they were lack of vocabulary. As the result they were not interested in reading comprehend.
C.    Limitation of the problem
based on the problem above, the researcher limited the scope of the roblem to be researcher, that is the question strategy used by the teacher in teaching reading comprehension
D.    Formulation of the roblem
the researcher formulated in this research in the form of question :
1.      How often does the teacher use question strategy during pre reading at junior and senior high school.
2.     How often does the teacher use question strategy during while-reading activities at the junior and senior high school
3.      How ofthen does  the teacher use queston trategy during post-reading activities at junior and senior high school.
E.     Purose of the research
This research is conducted  based on the following puroses :
1.     How often does the teacher use question strategy during pre reading at junior and senior high school.
2.     How often does the teacher use question strategy during while-reading activities at the junior and senior high school
3.      How ofthen does  the teacher use queston trategy during post-reading activities at junior and senior high school.

F.     Significance research
The research hopes that the result of this research will be given advantages to.
1.      for college, it can be used as the reference for the next researcher.
2.     For the teacher, it can make the teacher improve her question strategy in reading comprehention .
3.     For students, it can help the student easier to comprehend the passage after their teacher anhance her questioninh strategy  in teaching reading comprehension.
4.     For reasercher, it can give more knowledge and experience through the research.

G.    Defenition of key term
1.     Question strategy means the strategy that is used by the teacher in teaching reading comprehension in each stages of reading activity.
2.     Reading comprehension meand the activity to readerto get the meaning of the text.


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