‘‘ Providing for effective teaching ’’

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Providing for effective teaching is focuses on how quality teaching can be achieved and maintained in a language program. Quality teaching is achieved not only as a consequence of how well teachers teach but through creating context and work environments that can facilitate good teaching. The following issues will be considered:
·         Institutional factors
·         Teacher factors
·         Teaching factors
·          Learners factors
            The Teaching Process
The focus here is on the teaching practices that occur within a program, how these can be characterized, and how quality teaching can be achieved and maintained.Best on Driscoll (2005, p. 23) and Reigeluth (1999) .Since the very beginning education, teachers have played one of the main roles, or even the main one in the educational process, as those who can help students to achieve what each society defines important to be learned by the youngest. Even when teachers’ role has change through history and societies according to the particular context of each period and place, its importance has remained as the cornerstone of the educational process. Nevertheless, this role has dramatically changed in the last decades and nowadays it has been pushed to the limit and demanded to be rethought and redefined in order to respond to the actual social requirements and changes. Teachers are no longer the owners of knowledge and the idea of transmitting what they know is considered old-fashioned. So, what does this role need to be like? Which are those changes and how are teachers supposed to face them? Moreover, if this role is expected to be redefined in traditional learning environments, it is obviously expected to be thoroughly defined when technology is to be incorporated to educational processes.
When making a literature review about the teaching process its easy to find that there are no theories that helps us to explain this complex process. Driscoll (2005, p. 23) defines instruction as “any deliberate arrangement of events to facilitate a learner’s acquisition of some goal”, and in so doing she shows why there have been no teaching theories since the very beginning of education as a formal process: Driscoll’s teaching definition –as most of them do- implies that Instruction and all what has to be with it, depends on the learning theory in which each teacher is based on, to get their own teaching definition settled.
For instance, those teachers who believe in behaviourism learning theory principles will teach in consequence and concordance with them; and so will do teachers who believe in constructivism and cognitivism theories. Nevertheless, from any theory from which learning –an so teaching- in understood and explained, as Reigeluth (1999) has pointed out it’s quite impossible to settle a series of steps or similar to help teachers to achieve their own teaching goals. But even when there are no recipes for being a successful teacher, the instructional design theories can be considered a trustfully guide on how to lead the students to learn and develop. And even when each instructional design theory has its basis also in a learning theory, it shall give some more concrete guidance of what teachers should be doing to help their students to achieve their learning goals. Thus, it would be recommended to first think about the learning theory in which teaching will be based, and then start looking for an instructional-design theory in order to help theory land in a concrete educational context.

The method of the researcher use is teacher interview . this include some question from the teacher. The question were organized into the following :
ü  Background information about the teacher.
ü  Information about in learing process.
ü  The opinion of the learning process in the classroom  

a.      Identification
School identify
Adress   : Jalan Birugo Bungo, kota Bukittinggi, Sumatra Barat, Indonesia.

Name     : mrs. Nova Santi S.pd.I
Posision : English teacher
Description: C:\Users\ACER ASPIRE-132\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Word\IMG_6438.jpg
b.      Interview result
this interview consist six questions :
1.      what method do you use in the teaching and learning process?
“It depends on the subject and what subject we are discussing. for example, such an explanation or announcement, it depends on the material, can be used discovary learning or explanation by the teacher ”
2.      what are your efforts to keep the class conducive?
“so students are active, English is very difficult to understand and understood by students so that he is active we have to create a pleasant classroom atmosphere, maybe if the elementary school students can go through games, can also divide groups and provide material, after that we appoint students and come forward to carry out discussions in the future and with their friends ”
3.      how do you attract students' interest in the learning process?
“we have to give 4 skills, speaking, listening, writting and reading. for example speaking a student must come forward so he participates directly and participates in the learning process so that students are interested in our learning. besides that group work can also arouse students' interest in learning, after they finish the discussion and get the results of the group work asking them to come forward and give them grades and praise. because students tend to like praise, whatever type of work students give positive values they must be enthusiastic. ”
4.      what are the obstacles that you experience in teaching and learning?
“the obstacle usually faced is the lack of student vocabulary. in fact we teach English, many students complain that students don't understand when the teacher explains with full English, so of course not all understand what we are explaining, then we have to combine languages, sometimes indonesian somtimes english ”
5.      how do you deal with troubled students like not making assignments, making noise in class and so on?
“problematic student who pulled out when he came to school the next day to be invited to the communication where yesterday? why pull out the school? it is advisable not to repeat if you still repeat calling parents. well if for those who don't make the task threatened, the meeting will be doubled as a threat given remedial for those who don't collect the assignment. ”

              in this cases, the teacher is required to be able to concentrate the class so that it is effective how students can and are able to contribute to the teaching and learning process, from some of the teachers I interviewed the most experienced problem of teachers is the problem of lack of student vocabulary. Therefore the teacher cannot explain learning with full English, so the teacher must combine English with Indonesian language in the teaching and learning process. English as a compulsory learning is considered an important part of students' general education. It should be emphasized to students that English is very important to learn what else in the era of globalization like today where English language is needed.
               Providing for effective teaching is focuses on how quality teaching can be achieved and maintained in a language program. Quality teaching is achieved not only as a consequence of how well teachers teach but through creating context and work environments that can facilitate good teaching. The following issues will be considered:
·         Institutional factors
·          Teacher factors
·         Teaching factors
·         Learners factors

The Teaching Process
            Teaching is fundamentally a process, including planning, implementation, evaluation and revision. Without classroom assessments or some other means of receiving feedback on a regular basis, it is surprisingly easy to misunderstand whethera particular teaching method or strategy has been effective. The focus here is on the teaching practices that occur within a program, how these can be characterized, and how quality teaching can be achieved and maintained.
            Teaching and learning is a process that includes many variables. These variables interact as learners work toward their goals and incorporate new knowledge, behaviours, and skills that add to their range of learning experiences. As now, so then. What you do now will determine what you achieve in the future. If what you do now will not help reach your goal of how you like to be remembered as a teacher then you have to make some changes.Teaching skills can be developed and you must work to personalise and polish these skills. till they are like second nature to you. Being an effective teacher is a challenging task, but should you accept this challenge and responsibility, you also find that it can provide rewards beyond your imagination changed lives.

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Based of the book by JACK C.RECHARDS southest asian ministers of education organization regional language centre, singapore.
Driscoll (2005, p. 23)


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